Category: Education


Entrepreneurial Track Initial Plan

As part of our school culture, our administration and Board of Regents collaborates to construct a long range plan. Last year we took a suggestion from Pat Bassett, former head of National Association of Independent Schools, and created teacher led Research and Design groups.  These groups investigated different aspects of our long...


The Need for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Incubators

We know the business world our students are entering is different than the ones their parents entered. How should we be equipping our students to compete in a world that requires more entrepreneurial thinking? I believe we should consider an entrepreneurial track that would include an introductory class on the...

Rethinking Teacher Evaluations and PD

We often think of professional development and evaluations as something to be checked off. Evaluations mostly consist of a list of skills or competencies that are observed by an administrator once or twice a year. They are then evaluated on some type of scale that returns the summative assessment of...

What Does True “Ownership” Reflect

I found it fascinating reading about The Domain of One’s Own initiative at University of Mary Washington (UMW). I love the concept of the students’ work existing outside the walled garden of a learning management system. It gives students’ an authentic audience for their work and a place to build...

Reflecting on My Personal Learning Network (PLN)

When I think of my Personal Learning Network (PLN) and how I have constructed it I am reminded of the difference between personalized and personal. I like how author and educational consultant Will Richardson sums up his stance in his post entitled “This is Why “Personalized Learning” Will Fail.” He...

My Journey

  Digital Reflection   It is interesting for me to reflect on my digital leadership as we start this program. In some ways I reflect upon a series of accomplishments I have achieved in this area while often I feel as though I have so far yet to go. My...